Loteria Card 4
Each Lotería card includes an illustration and Spanish description of an essential worker.
Loteria Mexican Bingo Game Kit - Loteria Cards Mexican Bingo Game for 20 Players - Includes 2 Deck of Cards and Boards - with Free Markers - for The Entire Family - Great for Learning Spanish. 4.6 out of 5 stars 181. Get it as soon as Tue, Mar 2. FREE Shipping on. The Diversity Immigrant Visa program, also known as the green card lottery, is a United States government lottery program for receiving a United States Permanent Resident Card. The Immigration Act of 1990 established the current and permanent Diversity Visa (DV) program. No more 'CARD shuffle'! This application will do it for you in one click!. CONNECT YOUR DEVICE TO YOUR SPEAKER AND PLAY. With Baraja de Loteria Mexicana you can:. Record your own voice to 'play it'. Draw cards every 2 20 seconds. Activate or Deactivate sung cards. View card history by sl.
Looking for something to do in quarantine? A California school administrator got creative by imagining a new version of the traditional Mexican card game, Lotería.
Dr. Alfredo Ponce, otherwise known on social media as Pholkgiant, used his graphic design skills to create the 'Essential Workers' Lotería board game.
'I’ve always wanted to be an artist,' Ponce said. 'I’m not even the best artist in my family, but I think the grit … in Latino homes…never left me.'
Ponce is currently the principal of the Sanger Unified School District’s (SUSD) Community Day School, and working from home during the pandemic. He was inspired to create the board game after looking at the efforts of his wife, a gynecologist in Fresno.
'If you know or work or live with someone who is an essential worker, you begin to see the stress,' Ponce said. 'To not be able to help them … it's extremely frustrating.'
Lotería is a board game that uses a deck of 54 cards, each with a colorful illustration of Spanish words. Ponce created a similar version, using the same design and rules from the traditional game, but replaced the characters on the cards with the names and illustrations of essential workers.
In fact, the first card he created depicted his wife, and after posting it on social media, the response inspired Ponce to create an entire set of cards for the board game.
“If I can do this and bringa smile to my wife, I can do this for other essential workers in the area, inthe state… across the world,” Ponce said.
Ponce says that many essentialworkers, including his wife, works long hours, and that his illustrations ofthem can give them the recognition they deserve.
In the collection, Poncecreated cards for nurses, doctors, farm workers, newscasters, firefighters, andother frontline employees.
'Every face that you see tells a story … it's someone's story,' Ponce said.
Ponce has spoken to and created cards for doctors in Nepal, India, here in California and other regions across the world. Each card represents an essential worker and depicts their struggles during the pandemic. Ponce hopes that his cards can bring more awareness to the working conditions of essential workers and inspire community support.
'We're all in this together,' Ponce said. 'At the end, as Americans, as human beings across the world, we become better human beings because of the challenges that we face and the strategies and the things we put together to overcome.'
Ponce is currently selling his board game online at https://www.pholkgiant.com/ for $19.99. A portion of the proceeds will be donated.
Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month with a zesty game of Lotería. Warning: Playing Whataburger Lotería may cause hunger. Fun is in the cards and on the table.
There’s a new game in town, and Whataburger fans are winning. Our version of classic Lotería celebrates all the things you love about Whataburger and makes sitting around the table with family a lot more fun (especially now)!
Here’s how to play:
- Download and print all 36 colorful Whataburger Lotería cards to make a full deck.
- Download all 4 versions of the tablas, or playing boards, and give every player a tabla. For big families, team up on the tablas. The more eyes the better!
- Place a pile of small markers – dried beans, small pebbles, bottle caps, corks – in the middle of the table so everyone can reach them.
- Now, choose someone to be The Announcer. This person will hold all the cards and won’t have a tabla.
- To begin, The Announcer pulls a card from the deck and reads it aloud.
- Any player with that image on their tabla places a marker on the corresponding square.
- The Announcer continues to pull and call cards until a player covers three squares on their tabla in a horizontal, vertical or diagonal row, or fills their table completely.
- Any player with a winning row of covered squares shouts “Whataburger!” and is declared the winner of the round.
- Play as many rounds as you want!
Loteria Cards 54

Game Play Variations:
- Rotate the role of Announcer among all players after each round.
- Switch tablas between players after every round.
- At the end of the game, the winner of the most rounds is treated to their favorite Whataburger meal.
Download your Whataburger Lotería Cards today, below! / ¡Descarga hoy mismo tu lotería de Whataburger!

Loteria Cards App
Whataburger has focused on its fresh, made-to-order burgers and friendly customer service since 1950 when Harmon Dobson opened the first Whataburger as a small roadside burger stand in Corpus Christi, Texas. Today, the company is headquartered in San Antonio, Texas, with more than 830 locations in 10 states and sales of more than $2.5 billion annually. Whataburger has 46,000 Family Members (employees) and more than 14 million customers who like to customize their Whataburgers just the way they like it. Visit whataburger.com for more information.